Sunday, November 20, 2016

Week 11Using Other Social Media Tools
1.Research Groups on Linked In and Google Plus-Keep you updated.
Google Plus
Research Groups-Follow,and joined.
Research Groups Duban
The Paranormal Research Groups
Paid Research Groups

Science on Go
Advanced in Medicine,and  Biology.
Research Scholars Alerts

Research Groups-Follow,and joined
Priciple M Pact Development
Research Consultant at The Novo Group.
Marine For Life Network.
Research Groups are link to my bloggs,Linkedin,Twitter,Facebook,Google, Google Plus
social media accounts.
Coupon Network called"Groupon"added to my bloggs,Linkedin,Twitter,Facebook,Google,
 Google Plus,and social media accounts.

Open Yelp account link bloggs, Linkedin,Twitter,Facebook,Google, Google Plus,and
social media accounts

To draw the people,and companies to my social media,and beloved listed.

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